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Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.

At the beginning I show my respect to one God, Supreme of all Supreme. I show my respect to all the enlightened Masters of the past. I show my respect to all the Master and Teacher of Peace, who are carrying the light of peace and dedicated their life for that. And I am showing my respect to all the heroes and heroines of the future , who  will  be  self-realized  and  will  become   enlightened  .

"Surely I am coming soon." Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!"

( Christianity, Revelation 22.20 )


Sri Aakassdeep`s message of the day : 


Modern time spiritual life is such, religious peoples comes to you, and ask you to be religious. Everybody comes and says, my truth is the real truth and everybody seems like their truth is the only truth. But, in the past, at the time of Sanadhan Dharma, it was not like this. In the past, seekers of truth need to travel thousands of miles, spend many many years to find a Buddha or an enlightened Master and just because of your present there, does not mean, he is going to accept you as a disciple. You need to go through few tests at least to prove you, that you are an authentic seeker. I strongly feel, this should be the right way to approach for truth. Because when someone will find the truth, why he should come to the people and even if he give the message for the truth to the people, those are sleeping and dreaming, for them it will  be a disturbance for the dream. They way they treat to the Buddhas, is not fair. When someone get something after hard work, only then one can realize the value of that. When someone gets something without hardship, then they do not understand the value of that things. Mother give birth to a child after carrying the baby inside her body for ten months and ten days, then she goes through severe pain for to bring the baby to the world. That gives the mother true understanding, how precious is the baby to her. Because of this, all the mothers in the world, love their child more than the father. Because, father don`t need  to go through so much pain for to bring the child to the world. Same way, if self-realization becomes like a market commodity then people will not understand that value. In modern times, so many Gurus, just giving the Diksha and charging thousands of dollars and traveling with expensive cars, private planes. This are not true Masters. These peoples are fake and phony. These peoples are just exploiting simplicity and innocence of human heart.

Lot of phony Gurus travel from India and go to the West and open a big Ashram, gather thousands of disciples and start a spiritual circus. It is a very new phenomena for the West, so West, lots of Western people take it as a fun and have a funny time. Truth is not that easy. In fact, I should say truth is easy, but not like this funny way. Truth is very simple and plain. So a question might rise, how to know a true Guru? Many people gave big, big lectures and things to understand the true Guru, but I like what was the simple definition of a true Guru in the past. “True Guru is that person, who is free from five fices: Lust, Ego, Greed, Attachment, Addiction.

Lust: He do not indulge in sex, if he have any relation with any woman, then only with his wife or daughter or mother or sister.

Ego: He do not hold any position of any form. He is not part of any religion or any political organization. He do not divide people with cast or colors or social status.

Greed: He do not take any material benefit from anybody. He don`t take money for his spiritual service.

Attachment. He will not have any attachment with any physical form. It does not mean, he run away from the society and hide in some cave. He might live in the world, but he do all his worldly responsibility like a detached observer. He definitely have to have father, mother, brother, sister, wife and children, but he is not attached with them. Buddha, Mahavira, Krishna, Rama, they all had relations, but they had no attachment with any physical being.

Addiction: He is not addicted to any addiction in smoke, liquid or food form. He don`t eat or drink or smoke, that make him unconscious.

So if someone is doing any one of that, and you follow that person, then responsibility goes to you, not to realize that person, that he is cheating you.

Because it says in holy scriptures in iron age, or at the ending part of the time, there will be many, many fraud Gurus and Masters and Prophets. They might do many kind of supernatural performances also for to get your attention. But make sure, you are not falling in their trap. Buddha or an enlightened Master live a very simple life, eat simple food, stay in a simple house and spend his day for meditation, study divine wisdom and share that with the seekers of truth.



Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.




Sri AakassDeep (Author) Founder of Shantinet  | E-Mail: myfriend@shantinet.eu